I was asked to write a tutorial on how to create masks. Since I do mine differently than some, I agreed to write one. Inspired by Rachel's masks, I do a PNG version along with a jpeg version (though technically saved a .png too). I do this because I use Photoshop Elements for 95% of my tagging and being able to create a clipping mask in PSE is easiest for me. It allows me to adjust my mask without having to re-do it as I would in Paint Shop Pro.

 This tutorial was written on February 28, 2023, for those with knowledge of PS/PSP

So let's get down to it!!


1. open a transparent canvas sized at 800x800

2. have colors set to black and white

3. name the first layer Brush 1

4. choose a brush and set it to the sizing you prefer

5. place it where you want it on the canvas

6. repeat steps 3-5 until your mask looks something like this
(i do each brush on a separate layer)

7. Merge the brush layers.
8. If you want to have a PNG version of the mask then save as a .PNG
9. If you want it to have a black background and white mask, continue with the tutorial. Otherwise you're done!
10. new layer --> flood fill with black --> place below the merged mask
11. new layer --> flood fill with white --> create a clipping mask (PSE) OR adjust --> hue and saturation --> brightness and contrast (ctrl+b) --> brightness set to 255 (PSP X5)
12. Save as .PNG or .JPEG as mine are saved as .PNG and still work fine in PSP
Thank you so much for trying my tutorial :)